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  • What stones do you sell?
    The short story is: everything with colour. I source stones based on my clients needs. The desires of my clients cover a large variety of stones, sizes, qualities and price points. It is not always possible to keep every stone in stock, so my clients will typically contact me with the characteristics of the stone they are looking for (colour, clarity and carat weight) as well as the budget range they are looking to operate within. We will discuss possibilities with the client to narrow down the search to get the best possible value. Finally, I will search through the market for a few potential stones for the clients consideration to purchase.
  • Can we make jewellery with the gem I buy?
    Absolutely. Whether you have a full design in mind, sample pictures of what you like, or just a few general ideas of what you want, we can create a jewel to enshrine your gemstone. There is a variety of options available for a range of budgets, so we can talk through the possibilities and find the most suitable way forward together.
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